Archive for August, 2020
Ask a Trust Officer: Retirement Readiness
DEAR TRUST OFFICER: I’m old enough to retire, but I’m not sure I’m ready yet. I think I have strong financial resources, but I don’t know if they are enough to make me financially independent for the rest of my life. Retirement seems so terribly uncertain to me. When should I make the jump? –…
Managing Your Assets in Turbulent Times
Have questions or concerns about your assets during this volatile market environment? This brochure offers context for the current situation, with informed observations on how we may help you to respond to it.
Ask a Trust Officer: Having “The Talk”
DEAR TRUST OFFICER: When should I talk to my children about their inheritances? —THOUGHTFUL PARENT DEAR THOUGHTFUL: As a general rule, sooner is better than later. An inheritance should not come as a surprise; it is something that requires preparation and planning. In that way, an inheritance may prove to be more than a temporary…