
Archive for the ‘Archives’ Category

The Market Downturn

Comments from our Investment Group   The U.S. stock market, at this writing is down 8% from its recent high. As we have discussed in the past, it is not unusual for a Bull Market to have a 5% to 10% correction every few quarters. The surprise is the rapidity of the decline. It has…

2017 Q4 Review and Outlook

The calendar turns over to 2018 leaving behind one of the least volatile years for equity markets in history. The S&P 500 returned 21.8% in 2017, finishing the fourth quarter up 6.6%, with a intra-year dip of only 3%…

Why Fiduciary Standards Should Matter To You.

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) new Fiduciary Rule is intended to address conflicts of interest that permeate the financial industry.  Although many of our peers have had to alter their business practices to comply with the rule, nothing will change here at The Trust Company of Virginia.  Find out what the new rule intends…

2017 Q3 Review and Outlook

Nearing the end of the year creates a natural inclination to reflect on where the markets have been, where they are, and where they may be in the future. In the third quarter the song remained very much the same as previous quarters…

2017 Spring Newsletter

What Your Children In Their 30s And 40s Should Know About Wealth Preservation Are you preparing your beneficiaries for wealth? Trust funds are not always lost to divorce or reckless spending. More often than not, children are simply not educated in wealth preservation. Being a conscientious steward of wealth is a tremendous responsibility. Heirs in their…

2016 Tax Reference Guide

Your Reference Guide to:  2016 Tax Rates, College Savings, Incentive IRA and 401(K) Contributions.

2016 Q2 Equity Market Commentary

The status quo in the market has remained (insert any of the following); Volatile, Unpredictable, Capricious, Explosive, etc… each accurately describing today’s markets.  Market conditions of late have left clients asking “How do you pick stocks in a market like this?”  We thought instead of bemoaning the events top of mind; Brexit, Oil prices, How To Make America…

2016 Q2 Fixed Income Commentary

The second quarter of 2016 has been one for the books. Negative interest rates continued to confuse investors, Puerto Rico defaulted on their constitutionally guaranteed GO debt, US politics continue to provide global amusement… however the UK eclipsed them all with a surprise vote to leave the European Union. The “Brexit” surprised markets and caused a rush of…